Objectives and values

Wellcomet® GmbH was founded in 2003 with the objective of developing and marketing leading technologies that play a decisive role in achieving convincing, long-term results in the areas of medicine and aesthetics.

The development of Wellcomet® products is based on the highly regarded scientific expertise acquired by its director, Ilja Kruglikov, Doctor of Natural Sciences, over many years. He is a Scientific Consultant to international specialist journals such as "Beauty Forum" and "Kosmetik International" and works closely with well-known doctors and universities such as the University of Heidelberg.

In its research and development and in product manufacture, Wellcomet® strives to reach the highest standards of quality. Wellcomet®'s expertise can also be seen in the comprehensive range of services it offers, such as detailed advice, training and rapid customer service provided by in-house technicians. The company employs staff who are well trained and able to take responsibility and works in the closest confidence with its partners and customers. Its motto is: "Excellent, progress and sustainability in everything that we do!". Wellcomet® sees itself as a dynamic, learning company that offers great development prospects and encourages potential in its staff.